
Standard range of products – Please contact us for products with special requirements or finishes.

Ninja Spring Hanger

Range of Spring Hangers from 5KG to 400KG with 50mm of deflection

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Double Dragon Spring Hanger

Range of Large Spring Hangers  250KG to 800KG with 50mm of deflection

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Quad Dragon Spring Hanger

Range of Large Spring Hangers 1000KG to 1600KG with 50mm of deflection

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Ketto Spring Mount

Range of spring mounts from 50KG to 800KG with 50mm of deflection

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Sumo Spring Mount

Range of spring mounts from 100KG to 1600KG with 50mm of deflection

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Sumo DS  Spring Mount

Range of Spring Mounts from 100KG to 2750KG

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Install Instructions

Ninja Install Instructions

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Maintenance Instructions

Maintenance Instructions applicable to all products

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Range of Finishes Infomation

Summary of the range of finishes that are available from Ninja Springs.

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